How to Use Evernote to Organize Your Digital Brain

Think how many ideas pop into your head on a daily basis. Pop –there’s another one. Now, holding onto all of these fantastic (and not so fantastic) ideas in your head all day can be pretty exhausting, sonote-taking apps serve a very important purpose. They help you to organize your digital brain and keep your professional and personal life ticking over nicely.

Here’s where Evernotecomes in. You can use it across platforms -iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and on the web. It’s a very seamless, mobile-responsive app that’s perfect for digital natives.

Getting Started

You can organize your thoughts and ideas into Notebooks, so you can separate your different interests and projects. Notebooks can be shared with other collaboratorsby managing your permissions, so you can have a handy virtual space that colleagues can drop into to get an insight into your eccentric ideation process or pick up some new direction.Evernote is a great for visual learners and acts as...

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